Industry 4.0 And The Career Opportunities It Presents

Industry 4.0 involves digitalising manufacturing and business processes to create Smart Factories. The objectives are to increase productivity, improve efficiency, and develop new sales opportunities. It offers opportunities for your career too.

Importantly, we are only at the beginning of Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution. In fact, when we use the term Smart Factory, we have an idea of what it is, but there is no real-life model to use as an example. This is because some of the technologies that will be in the Smart Factories of the future have yet to be developed.

What does this all mean for your career? In simple terms, skilled individuals are required to create the technologies, business processes, implementation strategies, and support solutions that will make Industry 4.0 a tangible reality.

In other words, Industry 4.0 offers a vast breadth of career opportunities in a range of different fields.

The Current Landscape

Right now, manufacturers in various sectors are exploring and implementing solutions that come under the Industry 4.0 umbrella. This includes solutions to automate a manufacturing process, for example. It also includes solutions that provide real-time data in a usable format to help with decision-making and critical business planning.

Factories around the world are also implementing robot technology, including autonomous vehicles. The cloud is crucially important too, with old in-house IT infrastructures being replaced by more flexible, adaptable, and secure cloud solutions.

In other words, Industry 4.0 is not something that will start at some time in the future. Instead, it is here and now. Most companies take its implementation on a stage-by-stage basis, but you can be sure they are doing one of two things: actively implementing a solution that comes under the Industry 4.0 umbrella; or, considering the next project they should give the green light to.

This all means the time to start thinking about a future career within Industry 4.0 is now.

Top Industry 4.0 Careers

  • Controls Systems Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Validation Engineer
  • Equipment Systems Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Robotics Engineer
  • IT Solution Architect
  • UI and UX Designer
  • Project Manager

How Can You Take Advantage Of Industry 4.0 Career Opportunities?

If you are currently studying for your degree, or are about to start, you should consider engineering courses that focus on the specialties that Industry 4.0 employers need.

In addition, continuous upskilling is critical. This applies whatever stage you are at in your career because the technologies, knowledge, and skills required to deliver, support, and develop Industry 4.0 solutions are constantly evolving.

You then must look for opportunities with companies at the cutting edge of Industry 4.0 technology development and implementation. At SL Controls, for example, we offer Factory Automation, controls, and validation solutions as well as products that make factories practically smarter.

For example, our product TOTALbatch automates a process that is essential to all pharmaceutical manufacturers as well as manufacturers in other industries. It not only improves accuracy and record-keeping, but also significantly improves efficiency.

This is just one example of an Industry 4.0 technology being implemented in Ireland’s manufacturing industry today.

The opportunities for you are countless, so the time to look at a career in Industry 4.0 is now – check out our Industry 4.0 careers now.

Source: SL Controls

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