
3 ways China is using drones to fight coronavirus

In just a few months, Coronavirus has changed how we greet each other, how we work and how our children are educated. It’s also pushing public health authorities to develop new ways to deliver healthcare. Over the past few months, the Chinese government has been piloting ways to incorporate drones into their response to Coronavirus. These initial experiments […]

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TVET diajar semula ikut kehendak industri – PM

PUTRAJAYA: Penawaran program pengajian Pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) akan dikaji dan diajarkan semula mengikut kehendak industri bagi menyediakan graduan berdasarkan bidang tumpuan ekonomi mengikut wilayah atau lokaliti yang dikenal pasti dalam Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama (WKB) 2030. Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang juga pemangku Menteri Pendidikan berkata, selari dengan Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama,

TVET diajar semula ikut kehendak industri – PM Read More »

Robot SpaceBok direka untuk beroperasi dalam persekitaran bergraviti rendah

We’ve seen robots that can walk, trot, run, and even do backflips, but now a student team is working on a rover robot prototype that hops about like a springbok. Designed and built by students from ETH Zurich and ZHAW Zurich, the SpaceBok being tested at ESA’s ESTEC technical center in the Netherlands is designed

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Amazon continues work on mobile home robot as it preps new high-end Echo, says report

Amazon is still working on a mobile home robot, according to a report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. It’s also planning to add a high-end Echo to its lineup of Alexa devices. We first heard about Amazon’s plans to build a wheeled home robot in April last year. The project is reportedly codenamed “Vesta” (after the

Amazon continues work on mobile home robot as it preps new high-end Echo, says report Read More »